Understanding your baby's temperament ♡

Have you ever found yourself reflecting that your baby is ‘as shy as their dad,’ or ‘just as adventurous as I am’? 🤔 Maybe someone else has even made comparisons between your baby and another relative 👵🏻👴🏻. These similarities all stem from their emotional makeup, which is predetermined by their genetics 🧬 and brain chemistry 🧠. Exploring your family tree can also reveal how temperaments are passed down from one generation to the next 🌳

While genetics predominantly dictate your baby’s temperament, their environment and upbringing become increasingly influential as they grow 📈. Thus, both nature and nurture play a significant role in shaping your baby’s temperament and influences how they eat, sleep, and react to the world around them 🌎

Recognising and understanding your baby’s temperament before* beginning sleep training is important, as some temperaments are more receptive and adaptable to change than others. For instance, some babies may be more affectionate and prone to being easily upset 😥, while others may be more independent and less affected by change 🤗

Being in tune with your baby’s temperament also ensures that we use sleep training methods that align with their individual temperament, while choosing the best approach to support their emotional, social, and developmental needs 🥰

If you’re unsure about your baby’s temperament or need support in consolidating their sleep, book a tailored consultation or download our sleep essentials guide via our website 💻. We thoroughly discuss all 5 temperament types, alongside step-by-step methods on how to restore sleep for you and your family. 💫🩷🌸
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