⚠️🆘 The dreaded 4-month sleep regression is a permanent* developmental phase where your newborn transitions from having active and quiet sleep 🤫 to experiencing more adult-like sleep cycles 🔄 as their circadian rhythm matures around this time 😴
Signs that your baby could* be going through the 4-month sleep regression include:
⚠️ Being on or around 4 months of age
⚠️ Restlessness and increased difficulty falling asleep
⚠️ Frequent night waking
⚠️ Catnapping
⚠️ Increased irritability and fussiness, and
⚠️ Reduced total day sleep
Tips on how you can support your baby through this transition:
🌸 Establish a consistent feed and sleep routine
🌸 Introduce a calming wind-down routine 30 minutes before each nap and bedtime
🌸 Ensure their sleep environment is conducive for sleep - Continuous* white noise, 10/10* darkness, and a comfortable room temperature
🌸 Incorporate assisted naps to compensate for catnaps, such as baby wearing, going for car drives, or taking them for a walk in the pram
🌸 Always offer an early bedtime to compensate and prevent them from going to bed overtired 🤞🏻🫶🏻
If despite these tips your baby continues to wake frequently and you need support in consolidating their sleep, book a consultation or download our sleep essentials guide via our website so that we can help restore sleep for you and your entire family 💫🩷🌸