Absolutely not! 🩷
If feeding or rocking your baby to sleep works for you, there is absolutely no need to change it 🥰
Feeding or rocking your baby to sleep only becomes an issue when it no longer works for you or your baby - whether that be because you’re finding it to be less effective, you are returning to work, or it starts to take a toll on your own mental health and well-being 😣
It is important to be mindful that some babies may* start catnapping or waking more frequently overnight if they are fed, rocked, or co-slept with at the beginning of their sleep 😥. This happens because when they partially wake between sleep cycles, if their environment has changed from how they initially fell asleep, they will often cry or call out and need the same association to fall back asleep again 😖
One important factor to keep in mind when feeding your baby to sleep for every overnight wake is to prevent falling into a reverse cycle pattern 🔄. This can lead to your baby consuming more calories overnight, potentially reducing their appetite during the day. As a result, they may continue to wake more frequently at night to make up for their reduced calorie intake during the day 😫🆘
If this resonates with you and you are sleep deprived, wanting to break a current sleep association, or looking to consolidate your baby’s sleep and say goodbye 👋🏻 to catnaps and night wakes, please reach out and book a consultation at www.settletosleep.com.au so we can support you in restoring sleep for you and your family 🩷🌸💫