Hunger or habit waking?

Depending on your baby’s age and sleep associations, it can be difficult to determine whether they are waking out of habit or genuine hunger 😥. Please also keep in mind that it is developmentally normal for your baby to continue having night feeds until they are fully established on solids, typically around 9-10 months of age 🥰

However, if your baby consistently wakes at the same times ⏰ every night or at the end of every sleep cycle and requires your help to fall back to sleep, they may* be waking out of habit or because they need you to recreate the same conditions they initially fell asleep with, such as feeding or rocking to sleep 🍼

We would also want to consider your response - if, for example, you inadvertently encourage early rising by opening your baby’s curtains too soon or allowing them to sleep in your bed for the rest of the morning, they may* start waking progressively earlier to do so, falling into the trap of “accidental parenting” 😖. With that said, if what you’re doing is working for you and you are happy to do so, there is absolutely no need to change it 🥰. It only becomes a concern when you are exhausted, sleep deprived, no longer want to do these things, or if the technique itself is becoming less effective 😰

If this resonates with you and you are sleep deprived, wanting to break a current sleep association, or looking to consolidate your baby’s sleep, please reach out and book a consultation or download our Sleep Essentials Guide via so we can support you in restoring sleep for you and your family 🩷🌸💫
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