Is your baby rolling and getting stuck on their tummy during naps or overnight and crying out for help? 😩
This can be a really tricky in-between stage, as while your baby has learned how to roll from their back to their tummy, they haven’t yet learned the skill of rolling both ways 😬
Please keep in mind that it is developmentally normal for these skills not to occur simultaneously, and it will take a few more weeks for them to learn how to roll both ways 📆
So, what can you do in the interim? 🫠
If your baby cries out for you to help them roll back onto their back, you will need to naturally support them during this transition period until they master the skill of being able to roll both ways 🥰
To help fast-track this process, make sure you offer lots of practice during their awake times to minimise the risk of them wanting to practice all night in their cot! 🤪
Before you know it, your baby will be rolling both ways 🤩.
As per Red Nose Australia’s safe sleep guidelines, you should always place your baby onto their back for sleep 😴. However, once they can roll on their own, you can let them sleep in their preferred position 😮💨. You are not expected to stay awake all night to turn them back over; doing so may only lead to resistance, cause them to roll back, or lead to them becoming overly stimulated and waking up 😩🆘
However, if your baby continues to wake frequently and you need support in consolidating their sleep, please book a consultation or download our Sleep Essentials Guide via to restore sleep for you and your family 💫🩷🌸